Saturday, December 27, 2008

Molding a Masterpiece by Ron Hamilton

Master Potter, why do You labor all day,
Giving such effort to rough, worthless pieces of clay?
Why such feeling in Your hands? Why such care in every touch?
Why all the struggle? Your creation is nothing but dust.

I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; My labor's not done.
A trophy, a treasure or worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.

Loving Jesus, why are the children all here,
Gathered around You and eagerly clinging so near?
Urgent matters clamor loudly, and the children interfere
Why do You hold them, and so tenderly dry every tear?

I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; My labor's not done.
A trophy, a treasure or worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.

Heavenly Father, sometimes I question Your way:
Why do You ask me to mold simple pieces of clay?
Give me eyes to see the future, though it's hidden from my view;
Give me compassion as I'm molding a treasure for You.

I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; My labor's not done.
A trophy, a treasure or worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.


  1. WOW... this is awesome!
    I've not read this before now (and I LOVE poetry), thanks for sharing here. I pray we're the mother's needed to help our Father in bringing up our children as He wants.

  2. These are beautiful lyrics! The Lord is good.

  3. wow , a greatsong .. i love it so much .. so beautiful

  4. I love this song so much and when I see,the pictures its kids are so cute I imagined the goodness and the warmth of their bonding as a family.God Bless.And move Closer to God!

  5. I love this song! I miss playing it in the organ. This shows the magnificent love of Jesus Christ to His creation. To Him be all the glory! :')

  6. Your masterpieces are your fruit, your son is your first fruit offering to the Lord, bc he is your first male child. Don't give up! The Lord directed me to this site, bc I needed the reminder myself. I've been married almost 16 years, and my daughters are teenagers now. I remember when they were young I was praying asking the Lord to give me fruit, and He said "I have they are sitting right in front of you". It's a big job, and the most important one! Your description of your husband and kids was the reminder I needed. That gets lost in the whirlwind of life, and as you get older you sometimes need a reminder, so thank you! You were used of God today and you didn't have to lift a finger. Keep on keeping on just living your life for the LORD before your children, and you will be surprised what fruit you will produce and how much fruit by just being an example to your own family.
